For Patients


For Patients 🦷

DeepSedation P.C. is dedicated to providing safe anesthesia services.

Safety is our utmost concern. We prioritize the well-being of our patients by using state-of-the-art equipment for thorough monitoring. Our sole focus is on administering anesthesia, allowing dental professionals to concentrate on the procedure itself. Before receiving care, it is crucial to have a detailed discussion about the procedure, including its risks and benefits, and to have all your questions addressed.


Is dental anesthesiology right for you?

We provide dental anesthesia for:

  • Children who are unable to fully cooperate during treatment.

  • Patients with special needs.

  • Complex, lengthy, or invasive dental procedures.

  • Fearful or anxious patients.

  • Patients with a strong gag reflex.

  • Patients who have difficulty achieving numbness with local anesthesia.

  • Patients that don’t respond well to sedation.

Why Choose DeepSedation P.C.?

Patient Safety

We provide personalized anesthesia services to meet each patient's unique needs, prioritizing safety and comfort. Our thorough assessment of medical history, medications, and dental treatment allows us to create a tailored anesthesia plan. We may collaborate with your primary care physician or other experts if necessary. Throughout the procedure and recovery, we closely monitor vital signs for optimal care.


Our dental anesthesiology team works closely with you and your dentist. They specialize in anesthesia, allowing your dentist to focus solely on the procedure for a safer and better experience. You will communicate directly with the anesthesiologist before your appointment to address any questions or concerns. The anesthesiologist will be present throughout, providing continuous care and support from the time you fall asleep until you leave.

Data-informed approach

At DeepSedation P.C., patient care and safety are our top priorities. We offer evidence-based services, staying up to date with the latest research. Our approach follows professional guidelines, particularly for populations such as children, patients with special needs, and those requiring deep sedation/general anesthesia due to anxiety, uncooperative behavior, or medical conditions.




  • Refrain from eating anything for a minimum of eight hours before your dental procedure.

  • Clear liquids (Gatorade, apple juice, or water ONLY) may be consumed until three hours before the scheduled procedure.


  • If you experience symptoms of a cold, fever, or coughs, contact us immediately.

  • We will assist you in determining if it’s safe to undergo anesthesia based on signs and symptoms.


  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting attire with a short-sleeved shirt.

  • Please bring a small blanket from home.

  • Avoid wearing long-sleeved shirts, jeans, or tight fitting clothing.


  • Please inform us of any medications you take prior to the appointment. We will inform you which medications are safe to take prior to receiving anesthesia.

  • If your child takes allergy medication, please take it the night before their procedure.

Designated Driver

  • One responsible adult should accompany each patient.

  • Arrange to have a responsible adult to provide care for each patient for the remainder of the day.

Other Considerations

  • Remove contact lenses prior to any procedure.

  • Avoid wearing nail polish on the day of the procedure.


Eating, Drinking, and Smoking

  • No smoking for 24-48 hours after your procedure.

  • Hydrate the patient after the procedure with clear fluids first.

  • After hydration, slowly introduce soft foods.

  • The key is to titrate slowly so we don’t increase nausea.


  • Avoid driving and strenuous physical activity for 24 hours or until effects subside.

  • Exercise caution in decision-making and major life choices.

  • For children, restrict swimming, biking, skating, or playing until fully recovered.

  • Provide a comfortable resting area, observe the patient closely.

  • When going to the bathroom or using stairs, please have a caretaker available to assist the patient.

Pain or Fever

  • Muscle aches and sore throat, similar to flu-like symptoms, may occur and typically resolve within 24 to 36 hours.

  • Taking over-the-counter pain medications like Tylenol and Advil at the onset of pain is usually effective and recommended.

  • In children, a fever up to 101 degrees Fahrenheit may develop within the first 2 hours. Administering Tylenol Elixir every 3 to 4 hours, along with ample fluids, helps alleviate this condition and post-operative discomfort.

Seek Advice

  • In case of vomiting lasting over 5 hours, persistent elevated temperature beyond 24 hours, or any other serious concerns following anesthesia, please contact our office at (737) 900-8717.

  • For immediate medical emergencies, please dial 911.

Access Our Patient Forms.


Safe sedation, confident smiles.